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Its All About Portion Control Says Giada Laurentiis

Portion control, portion control, portion control. I have found that controlling my portions has made a great difference in continuing to lose weight. Using a appetizer side plate or a saucer sized plate can also assist you in controlling your portion sizes. When you are out eating, always look at the appetizer menu or request that your order be split in half for you to take home and eat it at your next meal.
Your success depends on you keeping in the forefront of your mind that you must control your serving sizes because 1) you will be miserable if you overeat, 2) you want to continue to lose weight 3) you love yourself so do follow the course that will ensure all of your hard work will pay off.
Even though, Giada Laurentiis has not had weight loss surgery, the ideology of portion control is important to anyone that wants to keep on top of their health. Check out what she has to say about portion control and how it helps her.
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