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Bari Good For You Sweet Potato Casserole – As Seen on Fox4KC

` Love Your Health Enough Sweet Potato Casserole
1 cup of rolled oats
4 to 5 sweet potatoes
6 tbsp. of maple syrup, pure
2 tsp of cinnamon
1/8 tsp nutmeg, ground
¼ tsp sea salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/3 cup of pecans
Preheat oven to 400. Lightly spray 9×11 casserole dish or use one that is non-stick. Cut up the sweet potatoes to a 2-inch thickness and place in pot large enough to hold all of the sweet potatoes add enough water to cover potatoes and cook under medium heat until tender, approximately 30 minutes.
Oat/Pecan Crunch topping:
Pour oats into a food processor and pulse until coarsely chopped, then empty in a small bowl then coarsely chop the pecans in the food processor and mix with the oats, add 1 tbsp of maple syrup to this mixture and set aside.
Sweet Potato mixture: Drain the sweet potatoes and place in a large mixing bowl and mash until smooth. Stir in the maple syrup, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg. Adjust to taste if needed. Empty mixture into casserole dish and evenly smooth out. Sprinkle the crunch nut topping covering the sweet potato mixture evenly. Place in oven for 40 minutes uncovered. Remove and serve. Serves 12
Total fat 6.1 g, Sugars 7 g, Protein 2.5g, Calories 146
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