Register For The BariGirls Eat, Drink and Be Bari Educated Event – October 5th!!!!
Plan to attend the first BariGirls Eat, Drink, Be Bari Educated Event
Plan to attend the first BariGirls Eat, Drink, Be Bari Educated Event
Bariatric surgery is conducted to help obese individuals lose excess weight. The surgery is usually a last resort option when other weight loss measures, such as diet and exercise, have proved futile. There are many different types of bariatric surgeries,…
Amino acids are molecules that combine to make proteins. Proteins, in turn, are needed in the body to make and repair cells and perform other essential tasks such as regulating bodily. Amino acids, as a result, play a key role…
Worldwide meat consumption stands at 350 million tons per year. With the global population increasing at an exponential rate, expected to reach 10.3 billion people by 2080, the situation seems dire in terms of food security and the preservation of…
One Admission includes: Eat, Drink and Be Bari Educated event, Bari brunch, and Swag bag valued at over $200! Click the link to purchase ticket: We invite you to come join our intimate event filled with education, live cooking demonstration,…
According to the World Health World Health Organization, 1 in every 8 people around the world are dealing with some kind of mental disorder. We live in a fast-paced world and people are dealing with several things - sometimes at…
Check out our YouTube channel and find out just how beneficial your food choices can be!!!!! Click the link below. Bari Girls - YouTube
Come out and sample Hen House Market's quality and delicious selections on Saturday, August 31st the Hen House Market on 117th and Roe.
Did you fail to maintain your New Year's resolution of changing your eating habits? Don’t worry, there is still time to undo the damage in a way by “spring cleaning” your food. Certain modifications can be done in diet to…
Putting your best foot forward isn't just about impressions; instead, it's a way of life nowadays. While you're a plan-oriented and well-organized person, you put your best foot forward with a practical approach. No doubt, it's a key to potential…