The BariGirls have been nominated for Hydration Hero (Kiley) and Ageless Inspiration (Linda) at the…
Creating A Bariatric Monster

What do you eat Kiley and how are you still able to lose and keep the momentum going?
It takes guts and focus to maintain. I am always telling myself that I wanted this so bad and now that I have it, I will never go back to what I use to be, overweight, unhealthy and depressed. So I eat very clean and allow myself to have fun with foods and try all different types and textures. Did you know there is a such thing as quinoa and cocount flour? So I rolled my chicken breast in it and cooked it in a skillet…delicious and I make sweet honey sauce for my veggies (so they don’t taste as bad). This is what I mean about having food, but still eating clean. These are examples of clean eating Click on the link for more!!!
Once your there you might say to yourself, “she’s right about being a monster” lol.
09/18/2017 – I am so excited about the new fitness palace called 9rounds. Its close to home and quick intense heart rate workouts and diets and meal planning, love this place and get this the first session is free!
Click on the video on the home page for more.
09/19/2017 – Fun times at KCTV5 Better KC set cooking, learning and laughing mom and I made butternut squash with spinach , chicken and tortellini. yummy!!! Also avocadoes brownies recipe (which is located on the home page) Click recipes for more bari-great ideas.
Monster TIME…body aching and still wanting more bring it on!!!
From MBF-
Q: You are struggling so bad, your eating out and out of control and throwing up over and over again. Your stressed and depressed, for goodness sake you cant even keep down water ?
A: This was me in the beginning of my journey I could not believe the pain and extreme discomfort I had after surgery. I really thought I would never eat again…but I needed to make some adjustments within myself. Like I kept telling myself you cant go back now its done and this is what you have always wanted SUCK it up and do the right thing for yourself DO NOT FAIL!!!
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