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Let Lentils Light Up Your Taste Buds

What do you think of when you hear the word “lentils?” A steaming bowl of soup? A delicious savory side dish? Or maybe even what the heck is a lentil?
All of the above can be said about lentils, and if you haven’t been including this very tasty legume in your diet, you’re really missing out! No worries though we are going to show you how to incorporate this very versatile vegetable in all your meals (including breakfast and even dessert) from this day forward.
So, what exactly is a lentil? A lentil is part of the legume family (think beans, peanuts, or peas) that grow in pods and are available in a variety of colors. Unlike navy beans or other dried beans, the beauty of the lentil is that it does not need to be soaked prior to adding it to a recipe. Lentils are a great vegetarian source of protein as well as iron, potassium, and manganese. They have a very long shelf life and are inexpensive, so they are super easy to buy in bulk and keep on hand.
Finding great ways to use lentils is easy! You can add lentils to scrambles eggs with some kale for a hearty protein packed breakfast. Lentils really shine though in soups and stews. Try replacing the kidney beans in chili with lentils for a different spin on a classic. Make a big pot of lentil soup on Sunday to pack and eat for lunch throughout the week. Lentils can also be added to salads for a shakeup in protein source instead of the usual grilled chicken.
And the most surprising place to use lentils? Dessert! Lentils are so adaptable and seamlessly take on the flavors of whatever it is added to so sneaking in a protein boost to a sweet recipe is easy! Try whipping a batch of lentil brownies for the next get together and wait for the rave reviews. It’s up to you to decide if you want to let everyone in on your lentil secret.
Give lentils a try today and then be sure to share your newfound love for lentils with your friends and family-you (and them) will be so happy that you did! Order the BariGirls cookbook, Eat, Drink, Be Bari, on the “Shop” tab for more great recipes and ways to love yourself enough.
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