The BariGirls have been nominated for Hydration Hero (Kiley) and Ageless Inspiration (Linda) at the…
How Do I Maintain My Weight Loss

Oh my sweet bariatric patients. In order to maintain your weight or continue to lose, you must remember that surgery is only 50%, the other 50% is on you. It is your mindset that must change to make a better lifestyle forever. Changing your mindset is the keep and you must be ready to own this change. You cannot go into this with the same mindset your have probably had your entire life. You must eat right, workout and get your rest.
Many people believe that because you got the surgery you on home free. Not!!!!! You must work at it to lose the weight and be transformed into a Barbie. It’s not going to happen unless you put in the work, but you will never be a Barbie. You will always have some skin and some flab (unless you get lipo), and, most importantly, you must work hard. Do not set yourself up for failure with the surgery if you’re not ready to commit to the rules after surgery. It’s tough, but if you come this far there’s a reason why you made this decision so honor it and honor yourself.
Allow me to help you. Contact me and I will help you through this. It’s what I do because I love you and I know how hard bariatric surgery can be. Your top Bari, Kiley.
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