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Transfer Addiction – Know The Signs

Also known as cross-addiction, transfer addiction can be one of the toughest aspects of a patient’s life as it leads to addictive behaviors. Studies show that the chances of transfer addiction increase by almost 30% after bariatric surgery because multiple changes are made to the digestive system.

Learning About Transfer Addiction

When a person is on a path towards recovery and their condition is still unstable, transfer addiction acts as compensation for what their body is going through. Because they are trying to switch towards a healthy lifestyle, it becomes difficult for them not to remain addicted to something. For example, if the patient was regularly consuming alcohol before the surgery, they will switch to drugs as they will give him a source of comfort, distraction, and escape.

Causes of Transfer Addiction

One of the main reasons why transfer addiction happens is because people get used to the idea of feeling good after consuming or doing something. With time their brain gets wired in a way that they are unable to get used to the idea of living without what they were consuming, even if it negatively impacts their health.

Some common causes of transfer addiction include:

  • Overworking
  • Binge eating
  • Excessive gaming
  • Compulsive exercise

Learning About Transfer Addiction

When suffering from transfer addiction, you must try to change your surroundings and highlight the issues to someone. Seeing a therapist will help you figure out the root cause of the issue, and once you discuss your trauma with them, you will understand how to deal with the situation without being too hard on yourself.

If you or a loved one are struggling with transfer addiction, make sure you don’t keep it to yourself but seek the help you need before it is too late.


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