Bari Good Info, Just For You!!
Bari Salad Jars
All of the below recipes are placed in the jar as follows: Put the dressing,…
How Do I Pay for Weight Loss Surgery
The cost of weight loss surgery can be between $15,000 and $35,000. There are pre…
The Power of Soreness
Yes, I know it sucks to be sore, but the power of you pushing through…
How to Handle Those That Criticize Your Weight Loss Choice
People have some nerve to think you can actually say something about how I should…
I’m Scared of Having Surgical Weight Loss
Substantial comparative and long-term data have now been published in peer-reviewed studies demonstrating durable weight loss, improved…
My Relationship is Stressed Because of My Weight Loss
One of the hardest things that you could go through in a relationship whether you…
Being Afraid To Take The Surgery Step
I totally understand your fears. The unknown with surgery especially with bariatric surgery being such a…
Shane Minsey Stopped Using Food as a Crutch
We are proud to feature Shane Minsey as a featured Guest on our site...Shane was…
Successfully Treat Type-II Diabetes with Surgery
I was interviewed last year on Fox 4 News and I felt like I needed…
My Pregnancy – Post Weight Loss Surgery
Finding out that I was pregnant post weight loss surgery was a bit jarring. Of…
Where Do I Shop During My Weight Loss Journey
Shopping. You would think that it is a wonderful thing to do. Right? Well, you…